Landlord Doesn’t Care You’re Out Of Work, Where’s The Fucking Rent?


ACTING with all the sensitivity of a debt collector at a funeral, local landlord Steven Mongun doesn’t really care if you’re out of work, that’s there’s an ongoing pandemic or that regulations have actually changed, he wants his rent and he wants it now.

Careful to ensure he only pressures his tenants in person or on the phone so he doesn’t leave a paper trail, Mongun has pestered his anxious tenants with such frequency that they have barely been able to collect their thoughts and remind themselves of their rights in between trying to replace much needed lost income at a time when virtually no one’s hiring.

“But isn’t there a freeze on evictions,” queried his tenants when Mongun explained that the locks would be changed on the cramped one bed apartment the second they left to buy something in the shops.

“I might have a three month mortgage holiday, but I don’t see what that’s got to do with you,” barked Mongun, who responded to the news that his tenants are in a severe financial hole with the sort of speed he failed to bring to any request for new carbon monoxide alarms, toilet repairs or mold clean up.

“The rent is the rent, if you think a global economic depression can make a dent on the Irish rental market you’re even more naive than I thought,” pressured Mongun, parroting the line he gave to the beleaguered tenants in his 4 other properties.

If you are a tenant in one of Mongun’s properties you may want to click HERE.
