Tommy Robinson Spotted Nowhere Near Buckingham Palace Yelling About Pedos


ANGRY right wing mobs demanding justice for victims of child sex abuse are conspicuous by their absence outside the gates of Buckingham Palace at the moment, with calls to the phone of famed pedo-gang hunter Tommy Robinson currently going direct to voicemail.

Robinson, known for his dogged determination when it comes to seeking retribution against grooming gangs and rapists, has been by and large quiet when it comes to the case of Price Andrew, who is currently wanted by the FBI for questioning owing to his relationship with notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

With Andrew stonewalling the FBI when it comes to allegations that Epstein provided him with an underage girl for sex, police in London had readied themselves for the arrival of Robinson and his army of followers, but so far there is no sign at any of the Royal residences.

“Tommy’s normally very vocal when it comes to pedos, so we’re wondering what’s so different about Prince Andrew and the other people he normally goes after” mused one bobby we spoke to.

“Like, Tommy has gone to jail on several occasions charged with contempt of court for standing outside courts where rape trials were taking place, but he’s not here. What could it be about Prince Andrew that makes him less of an attractive target for Tommy and his crew? We’re stumped to be honest. We were looking forward to arresting Tommy again, it’s great craic to see him crying on a Facebook livestream”.
