Kid Informs Parents He Needs 9 Different Leaves Before Morning


WITHOUT a single thought for their own safety, Waterford parents Michael and Janet Philpens have dashed out into the darkness of a rain-lashed night to collect 9 different types of leaf, which their 9-year-old son Eamon has just casually informed them that he needed for morning.

“You head that way, there’s an oak tree beside the road!” roared Michael over the torrential wind and howling rain.

“I’ll go this way, I think there’s a sycamore over here, or something. Be safe my love! We can do this!”.

Doing her best to ensure her son doesn’t fail his 3rd class nature project, Janet Philpens ran in the direction her husband was pointing, scanning the ground ahead of her for bonus leaves that may have blown into their estate from somewhere that had a beech tree.

“I almost have it!” she said, through gritted teeth as her outstretched hand neared an oak leaf, as her grip on the trunk of the tree threatened to loosen.

“Little Eamon won’t be the only boy in the class to show up without 9 leaves! He will not be known for the rest of his life as ‘Eamon 7 leaves’! Not on my watch!”.

Michael Philpens has returned home with 8 leaves, and is currently attempting to cut one of them into a different shape to make up the numbers while Eamon squeezes in another hour of Fortnite.

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Janet Philpens is being urged to contact Waterford Gardaí.
