McDonald & O’Neill Spotted Wearing Matching Mink Coats Following €1.6mn Party Donation


POLITICAL RIVALS north and south of the border have expressed significant envy at news of a mystery donor leaving Sinn Féin €1.65 million in his will.

Pledging to invest the money in campaigning on the island of Ireland, Michelle O’Neill and Mary Lou McDonald stated that their party would not fall foul of the allure of venal spending that has undone their rivals in the past.

“This money will go to helping those most in need, through funding Sinn Féin’s research, outreach and policy we will achieve our goals of equality for all,” shared McDonald while wearing an identical mink coat to that of O’Neill which still had the price tag on it.

Delivering their address on a plinth made of gold, the party leadership confirmed their left-leaning political ideology forbade them from investing the money in anything other than fighting inequality and making a 32-county Republic a reality.

The press conference was cut short as both women were set to attend a private performance by renowned political scientist Beyoncé in the newly renamed Bobby Sands hotel in Las Vegas.

The €1.65 million donation easily eclipses the previous record £435,000 the DUP received from the pro-Brexit Constitutional Research Council in 2016 but is believed to be considerably short on the brown envelopes raked in by Fianna Fáil at the peak of the Celtic Tiger.
