Hidden Airbnb Camera Shows Family Being Evicted To Make Way For Airbnb


FOOTAGE retrieved from hidden cameras in a Dublin City apartment used as an Airbnb has shown the moment when a young family were turned out by their landlord back before he realised how much money he could make letting the property out to tourists.

Airbnb has recently come under criticism after hidden cameras were found in a number of properties listed by the popular accommodation service, contravening a supposedly strict ruling laid out in the app’s laws.

In damning footage viewed by WWN, we learned that hidden cameras have been picking up the lives of unsuspecting citizens for years, and that capturing shots of people in their underwear is about the least troubling thing recorded so far.

“Here you see the landlord tell his tenants that he has to have them out by August, because his brother is coming home and needs the property,” said one investigator, taking us through the months of footage on hard drives recovered from the 2-bedroom apartment in Dublin.

“Fast forward… there we go. That’s the family out the front door, probably off into emergency accommodation or something, who knows. And then fast forward again… here comes the first set of Airbnb tourists, paying way more per night than our landlord his tenants. And there’s the tourists unpacking. And there’s the tourists riding. And there’s the tourists off out for the day. And there’s the tourist coming back with a load of stuff from the Guinness Storehouse”.

Meanwhile Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy has commented on the damning footage by saying ‘hey, that’s private landlords for you, not much he can do about it’.
