Real Or Fake Tree? Let’s String 200 Words Or So Out Of This Shit


IT’S the most wonderful time of the year; when content aggregation sites can create articles based on practically anything to do with Christmas, stir up some contention, get all of our staff to retweet it on their own accounts with comments such as ‘no way, this can’t be right!’ and ‘OMG, are they serious?!’, thus generating hate-clicks and mucho traffic to the site; it’s a festive miracle, we tell you!

And while our summertime content of this ilk has lead us to do top 10 lists of crisps, biscuits, tampons, sweets from the 80s, stabbing weapons and more, our Christmas output can be even more contentious; to whit, we present the question; a real Christmas tree, or a fake one? Which is best? We’ve got a word count to hit, let’s throw it open to our staff!


“Gotta be a real tree. Love that pine smell. Can’t beat a real tree!”


“Has to be an artificial tree. No messy needles, much more economical and environmentally friendly!”


“Real all the way for me. Can’t beat that real-tree smell! Mmmmm! Christmassy!”.


“Artificial… so easy to put up, and just put it right back in the attic after Christmas for next year!”


“Tough question, but it’s gotta be a real tree! Who’s with me?”


“Artifical! Come on guys!”

So, there you have it; word count hit. Did we come to a conclusion? No… we’re going to throw that open to you guys! Retweet and share this post and let us know what your thoughts are! Please guys, we’ve got ad space to sell!
