“You’re Fired!” Trump Tells Wildfire Victims


DESPITE pleas from a number of White House advisors, US president Donald Trump has brought his famous catchphrase from The Apprentice back in a tweet aimed at the victims of the wildfires currently engulfing large areas of California.

“California… your fired!!” tweeted Trump this morning, before deleting the tweet and re-posting it with the more grammatically accurate ‘you’re’ after the error was pointed out to him.

It is believed that Trump had been ‘sitting on’ the catchphrase since winning the election last year, and had been biding his time for the perfect chance to post it for the first time in his presidency.

Although many had felt that POTUS would save ‘you’re fired’ for his inevitable nuclear strike on North Korea, Trump saw the record-breaking wildfires which have so far consumed some 175,000 acres of land and caused over 250,000 people to flee their homes as the perfect opportunity to use the line.

“Trump lost California to Hillary in the election by a pretty decent margin, so he’s in no rush to help anyone over there,” sighed a source in the White House.

“We said ‘Mr. President, seriously, we know these people are living in an actual fire and that your famous line is ‘you’re fired’, but seriously, you can do better than this, surely. Do something presidential. Something reassuring. Something that might actually help’. But by the time we had said all that, he had hit send”.

Trump went on to tweet that the fires could be easily extinguished by the tears of liberals in California who are still ‘struggling to get over how big he won’.
