Melania Trump Blinks The Word ‘Help’ In Morse Code


EXPERTS in Morse code are claiming the American first lady, Melania Trump, blinked the letters ‘H.E.L.P.’ during her first official appearance as First Lady at the White House on Wednesday to welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara.

Standing outside the South Portico of the White House with husband, President Donald Trump, the 46-year-old wore a tailored white skirt suit while waiting for their guests to arrive, before turning to the cameras and desperately giving them a series of long and short blinks, which was later translated as a common SOS, or help signal.

“This isn’t the first time Melania Trump has secretly sent morse code with her eyes,” one Morse Code expert told WWN, in Morse code, “while she was dancing with the president during the inauguration, she blinked the words ‘Jesus fucking Christ, what have I gotten myself into’ while calmly waltzing with her husband”.

Following the signal for help, Melania went on to greet her guests with a kiss and the group exchanged pleasantries while posing for some photos before beginning a new series of blinks, which translated to ‘these two men are lunatics that need to be stopped’.

“It’s quite clear Melania is trying to reach out to the American public and warn them about something big, or that she may even be in danger, or held against her will” the expert added.

Mrs. Trump, who also speaks five different languages as well as Morse code, has apparently spent the past month in her apartment in Trump Tower, with friends suggesting she was ‘miserable’ in her new role, and is just dying to get a good night out with the girls.
