Court Hears Pistorius Had Sexual Relationship With Gun



GASPS were heard inside the Pretoria courtroom this morning as evidence was presented before the court that insinuated murder accused Oscar Pistorius had been in engaged in a sexual relationship with a firearm.

The shocking news broke this morning as a result of several strands of testimony being pieced together. However, rumours that Pistorius was in fact engaged in a sexual relationship with a gun had first been suggested on British media channel Sky News, during their ground breaking ’25 hour coverage’ of the trial.

This latest evidence was presented to the court via projector screen, several pictures taken from the phone of the accused saw him in bed with his Smith and Weston .38-caliber revolver. More graphic photos of Pistorius with his gun were found on the athlete’s laptop.

Ballistics expert Chris Mangena confirmed earlier in the trial that several firearms owned by Pistorius had been used for ‘other purposes’ but was not pressed further on their uses by the defence team.

A psychology expert is expected to give is to his opinion to the court on ‘objectum sexuality’ which sees individuals express romantic desire for inanimate objects.

The Pistorius trial has captured the curiosity of millions of people who up until the murder of Reeva Steenkamp had not followed the career of the Paralympian and Olympian with any great interest.

Several members of the media were asked to leave the courtroom as they reacted to the latest trial revelation. A number of journalists were seen high-fiving one another as they submitted their articles to their editors.
