Aer Lingus Strike Hoping To Ruin As Many People’s Plans As Possible



A planned strike by Siptu members at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority that will throw Ireland’s airports into chaos is being hailed as a fantastic idea by the general public.

The strike is set to last several hours on the 15th of March, part of the extremely busy St. Patrick’s Day weekend. The dispute is centred on deficits in the pension scheme of workers which has resulted in the logical decision to get the general public on the side of the striking workers.

“It is well known in industrial relations disputes that if we seriously ruin people’s travel plans they will turn around and sympathise entirely with your plight,” shared Siptu official Cormac Brady.

Brady’s assertion that setting up the perfect conditions for mass air travel disruption for commuters will enamour them to the workers’ plight seems to be largely true as people line up to support the Aer Lingus and DAA workers.

“Bunch of fucking bastards!” shared an enthusiastic commuter Fiona Moore, “I’ve to fly to London from Dublin to see my Mother who’s dying of cancer and these heartless pricks think a 4 hour closure to the countries airports is going to have a positive outcome,” said Fiona echoing her positive support for the striking Aer Lingus workers.

Marie Dunne, a Clare resident, similarly rushed to back the strikers. “My youngest was to come home from Canada around then, we’ve no money – nothing so if the strike has knock on effects I probably won’t get to see him at all. Heinous dickheads, the lot of them,” Marie said close to joyous tears.

While Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar has yet to intervene in the dispute it is thought the Minister believes the workers should strike for upwards of 3 months such is the positive effect for all members of Irish society.
