Cliffs Of Moher To Be Lowered Due To Safety Fears


THE WILD Atlantic way promises to become one of the most scenic drives the world has ever seen, but with tough new EU safety measures, it could come at a cost.

The €10 million initiative, which will see a 2,500km coastal route stretching from Donegal to Cork, will have to adhere to strict guidelines laid out by the European Union, including lowering the cliffs of Moher to just 10 metres above sea level.

Junior tourism minister Michael Ring told WWN that height restrictions will be put in place along the western seaboard, forcing many county councils to lower their cliff faces.

“Its relatively a small price to pay for such a profitable tourist attraction,” he said with his mouth. “Safety is our number one aim here. After all, we don’t want tourists going home in a box now do we?”

Over 30 coastline areas are currently being assessed for height restrictions, including the famous cliffs of Moher.

“They are way too high and will have to be lowered before any work commences on the Wild Atlantic Way.” added Mr Ring, who later admitted to being slagged off in school for his name. “Imagine a tour bus full of bluerinsers careering off one of those cliffs. Sure, they’d be dead before they’d hit the water.”

Experts estimate it will take 12 months to lower the cliffs of Moher to a suitable, safe level, and will cost the local county council over two billion euros.

Mr Ring confirmed Nigerian cliff lowering company, Cliffs R’ Us, has already been contracted for the operation, which will create 2,000 jobs in the local community over a twelve month period.
