Toddler Banging On Pots And Pans Appointed As New White House Communications Director


“Hey! Look at me. I making music,” exclaimed newly appointed White House Communications director, 4-year-old Tabatha Charles, as she banged on several pots and pans with a pair of drumsticks in her first press conference this morning in Washington DC.

The toddler, the daughter of billionaire property developer and Trump friend Jonathan Charles, was carefully placed in front of a packed press room at the White House, where she proceeded to bang strategically placed red pots in a very loud and amusing fashion, much to the admiration of the press.

“Oh my God, she’s so adorable,” one CNN journalist commented, ignoring several important questions on his notepad relating to the investigation into Donald Trump Juniors ties with Russia, “I’d say she could bang those drums all day”.

Following 40 minutes of laughs and giggles from amused journalists, Tabatha Charles continued to fend off concerns from some of the more sombre media in the room about the situation in North Korea, stating that she was tired and wanted her mammy and that she had a “poopy in her diaper”.

“I really hope she last’s longer than her predecessor,” voiced Fox News journalist Todd Richardson, referring to the firing of Anthony Scaramucci who lasted less than 10 days in the post, “she’s a breath of fresh air and actually a lot more informative than Scaramucci or Bannon ever was,” adding in awe, “Oh. My. God. She has brilliant rhythm for a child”.

Following twenty minutes of selfies with the new Communications director, the congregating press waved Ms. Charles “day day” as her mother took to the stage to carry her home.
