WWN Travel: Getting Out Of This Shithole


A GROWING number of people are looking for that ideal getaway which transports them to sunnier climbs and away from their respective shitholes.

With this in mind WWN is on hand to help you to get out of this shithole with its essential travel guide.

Close your eyes and place a finger on a map or globe

Sorted! Now you know where you are going. Did your finger land on somewhere you don’t like? Pick again, we’re not travel Nazis!

Just leave

Don’t give it a second thought. Just grab the basics and fuck the fuck off.

I’ve no money

Ah pal, jog on so, this is a strictly cash rich list.

Need directions?

Google Maps should be able to provide you information on the nearest taxi, bus, boat, train, plane, rowboat or pogo stick which will help you get out of wherever it is you don’t want to be.

Bask in the knowledge you have now separated from your shithole

Enjoy a beer, high five a stranger, luxuriate in your surroundings which should be decidedly less shitty and holely. God, that feels good doesn’t it.

I’ve accidentally found myself in another, different shithole

Well, you can’t always take the shit out of the shithole, maybe your hometown wasn’t the problem after all.
