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Garda On Kinahan Take Wondering If He Can Make Transfer Bid To Hutch


REALISING he may now be on the wrong wide of criminal underworld history, one Dublin garda is expected to seek a transfer to Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch’s payroll along with other members of An Garda Síochána.

“I presume it’s a handy enough process, like switching banks or energy supplier,” the garda told WWN.

The shift in sides comes after the Special Criminal Court found Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch not guilty of the murder of Kinahan cartel member David Byrne and news a GSOC official attended Hutch’s post-verdict party.

“I know switching to the Hutch payroll that I’ll be taking a pay cut, but I don’t see the special K money lasting much longer and if it’s good enough for GSOC, it’s good enough for me,” the garda added.

With tensions between Kinahan gardaí and Hutch gardaí reaching fever pitch in stations across the country, the latest revelation has sparked a mass wave of transfers, much like a pre-season Premier league transfer day.

“A few corrupt guards are in limbo at the moment so it’s a hard decision to make as the goal posts are always changing in the underworld,” one criminal pundit explains, “my money’s on a new gang stepping into the vacuum and would advise gardaí to wait a few months to make the leap – who know who’ll be top of the table next year”.
