Local Father Not Getting Enough Praise For Taking Kids Out For A Few Hours


MEN THE world over have come together to seek greater recognition of Waterford man and father-of-three Tom Felling so his selfless is his sacrifice this Sunday morning, which resulted in his wife achieving upwards of 2 hours and 13 minutes of peace and quiet.

“It’s not why we do it, the praise, the acclaim, the awards, but would it kill people to give us more praise, acclaim and awards?” said friend of Felling, Andy Hurley who knows what a courageous task Felling undertook.

“Getting the kids into the car, driving them to their grandparents, getting them some ice cream on the way home so that their mother has to deal with their manic sugar rush… you think this sort of effort can just be taken for granted,” added a spokesperson for JFFWLAF (Justice For Fathers Who Lift A Finger).

“And not to mention by doing this he missed upwards of 15 minutes of televised sport”.

Suggestions on how to properly acknowledge Feeling’s achievements include ‘never asking him to do something like this again’ and a petition to make him the patron saint of fatherhood.

Felling for his part remains refreshingly modest about the whole thing.

“Joanne love, I’m fucking exhausted here so don’t even think about asking me to do the dinner. You’re taking the piss with this ‘me time’ shite as it is,” Felling told his wife, who could barely muster a thank you.
