It’s Unfair To Expect TDs To Remember When & If They Sold Houses


THE IRISH public has been warned of the potential room for ‘gross unfairness’ if they continue to insist TDs who buy up properties and flip them for significant profit in sales to the local council must keep accurate records of such deals and report them correctly as is dictated by the codes of conduct outlined by the Standard In Public Office Commission.

“Imagine the stress TDs are under – you think after actively making all ongoing crises in the country worse, they have time to remember if and when they sold this house or that and if they declared it properly? What next? Proper filing of expenses. This is mob mentality gone wild,” said one Fianna Fail member, as the controversy rages over Junior Minister and FF TD Robert Troy’s property portfolio.

“So what if he paid a party colleague at a council €13k over the asking price for a house and then flipped it, months later to the council for a profit of over €80k. This is just very normal not-at-all suspicious stuff, and the last thing you’d need is some sort of inquiry into any of this,” explained another TD, who insisted he had nothing to hide.

Critics have also been asked to stop making an issue of the fact that one tenant, who lived in a property owned by Troy for a number of years, claimed Troy insisted that rent be paid in cash.

“You’re looking at this the wrong way, you say Robert ‘failed to declare he was the director of a property company’ in the Dáil’s register of members’ interests, but he’s single-handedly trying to solve the housing crisis by buying up properties and selling them to councils, the man’s a hero,” added a fellow landlord TD.

Elsewhere, just as Troy thought he was in the clear Tánaiste Leo Varadkar opened his mouth, insisting the FF man had his full backing.
