Is Laying A Wreath Better Than A Full Scale Covid Inquiry? The Government Thinks So


“HOLD YOUR HORSES, let’s not overreact,” confirmed government officials when asked if a comprehensive and far-reaching inquiry into the State’s handling of Covid-19 which left no stone unturned would be granted, as desired by many.

“Is a proper inquiry with teeth that can compel people before it really necessary? Really? Even though we’ve these lovely flowers in a massive wreath to prove we’re all very sad and regretful about everything?” said one official, echoing the Taoiseach’s remarks in which he suggested asking the head of the HSE and NPHET to testify would be a waste of time because what would they know about the nation’s Covid-19 response anyway.

In an echo of previous high profile inquiries Ireland is set for a full and frank inquiry as long as its shallow, quick and doesn’t implicate anyone too important.

“Inquiries run the risk of reminding the public about places like Dealgan nursing home in Louth where 23 residents died in an outbreak of Covid-19 and the fact families are being stonewalled when searching for answers. Why bring up stuff like that when we’ve all got pints and fun back?” added another official, trying to pay for pints with a big dignified and somber looking wreath.

“What can be found out? That people on the frontlines were left in impossible positions? And not because of a virus but because of chronic, decades long mismanagement, criminal under resourcing and the wilful delay and denial of essential services by those in public office? Can’t we just slap a wreath on it and call it thoroughly looked into,” added a spokesperson at an event commemorating the near 7,000 plus lives lost to Covid which was invite only and excluded the majority of the bereaved.

The now sweating official added, “and what next you drag Tony Holohan in there to answer questions and before you know it he says something like ‘the Minister for Health sent me a thumbs up emoji when I warned of a possible increase in deaths’? Then the public have this impression that people in positions of power should maybe answer more questions and suffer consequences if found to have been negligent – this is accountability gone mad”.
