Mé Féiners Holding Steady In Latest Polls


WHILE Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael continue to lose ground to the surging popularity of Sinn Féin according to recent polls, the latest figures show voters for the Mé Féin party remain committed to looking out for themselves.

Mé Féin a new party that is continuing to flourish, doesn’t seem to be under any pressure from voters to change their policies according to the data.

“We don’t rent, we own our houses and in fact some of us own rental properties, so yeah, you know, we’re all good in that regards,” said a spokesperson for the group after the numbers were revealed.

“Public transport in our area is fine, the schools are fine, crime levels are fine, if other parties want to work hard and improve the situation around here a little bit then by all means, we’ll be more than happy to reap the benefits of their work. If not, we’re not going to be too affected. It’s certainly nothing we’re prepared to work hard for”.

The Mé Féin group went on to clarify their policy position on the some of the following hot button issues:

Climate Change: It seems fine as it is, no panic.

Healthcare: We all have private insurance so all good there, cheers.

Corruption: Hey, who wouldn’t skim a few quid off the top here and there?

Homelessness: Sucks, but what can you do only ignore them.

Immigration: Stick ’em in some Direct Provision place in the midlands, be grand.

Tax: We can afford another few quid but if you can get it from someone else instead, all the better.
