Dublin M&S Toilet Built On Site Of Ancient Glory Hole


AFTER MUCH speculation and the consultation of a number of experts it has been confirmed that the toilets in the Mary Street branch of Marks and Spencer, which had become known among a small group of the gay community as a venue to engage in sexual activities, was in fact built on the site of an ancient glory hole.

“Just to be clear that’s not a euphemism for an elderly gay man; the ancient glory hole dates back to the Viking era and beyond and its erotic spirit still lurks there to this day, destined to draw in unsuspecting men under its spell,” explained glory holeologist Dr. Lende Hand.

It is believed the original developers of the site which now houses the Marks and Spencer branch did not carry out routine checks which would have revealed the sordid, sexy past of the location and campaigners have called for such checks to be put into future legislation.

“I can feel the ancient glory hole’s presence right now,” confirmed a clairvoyant drafted in by Marks and Spencer to rid the space of any presence of lingering libidinous powers.

“An upmarket food and clothes retailer should never have been built here, this is cursed erotic ground. Leave now…run” warned the clairvoyant, urging a mass evacuation before people began falling under its spell and mistaking the M&S signage to mean ‘Masturbation & Sex’.

Experts have since recommended the site be destroyed in a controlled explosion in a bid to bring an end to the spate of impromptu uncontrolled explosions which has so far seen five men come before the courts.
