News To Nation That You Weren’t Supposed To Put Soft Plastics In Recycling Before Now


“SHIT, so we weren’t supposed to be doing that for, let’s say, about the last two decades?” queried a slightly guilty looking nation as it lobbed all manners of materials into the green bin.

“It’s for recycling though, so I just presumed whatever I wanted recycled could go in there,” shared one woman stuffing her husband into the green bin.

News that soft plastics such as plastic carrier bags, plastic labels, bubble wrap, wrappers and crisp packets can now be placed in the green bin has shocked the vast majority of Irish people who had been doing it anyway and leading many to question other waste management practices they’ve been carrying out.

“Really? You’re kidding me? You can’t fuck batteries, just lit fireworks and half full bottles of bleach in the same bin as your grass and hedge clippings? Wow, Jesus, this saving the environment craic is fierce complicated,” shared one person who self-diagnosed themselves with dyslexia specific to recycling symbols.

“Y’know someone should have told us this,” said one local man, sparking sighs among those involved in decades long advertising campaigns relating to proper recycling etiquette.

“You climate murderers are still using plastics? Disgraceful!” shared one biodegradable hippy living inside a hallowed out acorn on the floor of a forest made entirely of henna tattoos and dreadlocks.

Clearing up confusion recycling officials confirmed it was always accepted and legal to toss your dog’s poo bag into the green bin of that neighbour you hate.
