WWN Reviews: First Trip On The Free Luas


SHORTLY after giving the green light to the hugely popular move by the Luas operator to make the Luas free to travel for all, WWN experienced it in all its glory and we have an exclusive review for all those readers eager to try it for themselves:

Some minor disruption at the Stephen Green’s stop on the green line as workers hack away at the ticket terminals, which are now defunct and useless as the Luas is free, we forgive the noise knowing the fast, regular and smooth service is a freebie for all.

Reflexively we search for the ‘tag on’ mechanism and laugh to ourselves as the muscle memory kicked in, how foolish of us, we’re sure it will only take a very short time to get used to the service being completely free.

O’Connell St stop, shit, ticket inspectors! The sight of them certainly get the heart pounding and the brow sweating but of course what were once ticket inspectors are now a bit more like Good Vibes Technicians. The workers board the Luas in official uniform glance up the carriages to check for rubbish, a few high fives with passengers and enthusiastic nods and they’re gone. Just as it should be on a modern and free 21st century public transport asset.

What a seamless service. And all for nothing. Is there a finer experience in a public space in the capital? We sincerely doubt it.

Broombridge arrives and for our money free journey the end comes too soon.

The now free Luas really lives up to the hype. A 10 out of 10 experience.
