Debt Collectors Finally Catch Up With Man Who Still Owes €12 In Xtra-vision Late Fees


THE LONGEST outstanding debt Brogan Debt Collectors had failed to collect is finally within their grasp as a crack team of heavies wait in vans outside the home of notorious Xtra-vision late fees piss taker, Anthony Reilly.

“We’ve to do this quietly or else the target will escape out the back or into a network of underground tunnels, this reprobate is the real deal guys,” debt collector Aiden Brogan said radioing colleagues surrounding Reilly’s property.

Reilly, possibly the most despicable criminal in Ireland, was an artful late fee dodger in the twilight years of Xtra-vision but the despite the video rental empire disappearing, the debts incurred have not.

“Can you believe this scumbag held onto Transformers 2 for nearly a month, no wonder there’s an Interpol arrest warrant out on him too,” explained Brogan. Agitated, this case is personal for Brogan as in a previous life he worked in the very Xtra-vision Reilly frequented.

“The sticky floors, the nudie movie corner, the pungent smell of popcorn that was sitting there for a month – it was all a joke to Reilly, but it meant the world to me,” said Brogan readying handcuffs and a taser.

“He has no idea how many poor souls came looking for the last copies of Pirates Of The Caribbean, Shrek 2 or The Matrix Reloaded that I had to disappoint because this prick was holding them hostage,” added Brogan.

Reilly, thinking he had beaten the system still had an outstanding late fees debt of €12 when the branch closed in 2016, something Brogan can’t wait to remind him off as he readies a battering ram at the front door the evil bastard’s home.

“It’s never over, you can run, you can hide, you can change your identity, but you’ll never escape Xtra-vision late fees,” Brogan said as he burst through the door and was crushed by unreturned copies of FIFA 2004.
