Scientist Leaves Voice Notes Around Laboratory For Survivors In Case This All Goes Tits Up


AS is customary for the staff of any multi-national, possibly evil pharmaceutical company which dabbles in both biologically unnatural creations and the occult, Dr. Ivan Starson has taken to recording at least one voice memo every day, which he leaves scattered around the facility where he works in case a lone hero someday has to piece together the story of what went wrong, if indeed something goes wrong.

“This is costing me a fortune in dictaphones” sighed Dr. Starson, while leaving today’s journal in an off-the-beaten-path part of Parasol Industries underground base of operations, ensuring that anyone who really wants to know the full story will have to do a little bit of extra searching.

“But really, the hardest part is knowing where to leave each little log, so that they’ll be found in sequence. Me, I started at the front gate and worked my way in past the alligator pens, the genome splicing area, the abandoned childcare facility, and then over here to the CEO’s office. That seem right to you? If you were a square-jawed hero seeking refuge from a nightmarish disaster out in the world, forced to seek refuge in this abandoned facility, that’s kinda the way you’d come, right? It’s so hard to know”.

A sequential narrative quickly became the last thing on Dr. Starson’s mind, as he attempted to leave a voice log resting on the mantelpiece behind a statue of a griffin and a large key with a jade crystal in it, only to find someone else had left a device of their own there.

“Okay, who else is leaving dictaphones around the place? People, what have I told you. Only one doctor gets to leave poignant clues scattered around” fumed Dr. Starson, dressing down his team.

“And while I have you, who keeps leaving shotgun shells in their desk drawers? Guys, this is almost as bad as leaving medicinal herbs in the hallways beside the broken windows. This is supposed to be a clean environment people, Jesus”.

The ensuing argument was cut short by an announcement that specimen AX-32 had breached its cell door, prompting Dr. Starson to position himself somewhere that his corpse could provide a nice jump-scare sometime in the future.
