Hot Woman In Your Area Marries Nigerian Prince Whose Email You Ignored
NATALYA – the sweet, kind and happy young Russian woman in your area always keen to communicate she was looking for a ‘good man’ via pop ads on questionable websites has finally achieved her goal.
Three weeks ago Natalya received a message from Jamal Saeed Juma Bin Ghalaita, whose name you might recall from a series of emails he wrote to you in an effort to help you manage the collection of an ‘inheritance’ through the Emirates Islamic Bank PJSC.
Jamal tried his luck with the young Russian after your failure to respond to his altruistic emails and Natalya’s willingness not only surprised him, but also lit the flame of love. The crush was mutual and after a whirlwind romance the couple are set to wed in two weeks.
“I am full of happiness for finally getting married to kind man, my good luck has no limit. Just last week I managed lose weight and earn $10,000 a month from home with this one simple trick. After that, my skin cleared up and now dermatologists hate me,” Natalya explained with enthusiasm, showing a photograph of the wedding dress she got “through incredible online raffle I didn’t even enter!”
Jamal, for his part, insists that he has been ‘blessed by God’ and may finally share ‘the immense fortune’ that Natalya will receive when the funds “are transferred with total security to the account that has been designated by her.”
“I want to see you in person. A person’s eyes say a lot about someone. Do you agree with me ????”, Natalya exclaimed nervously in a message addressed to her future husband.
“I am taking all necessary steps for the operation to be successful,” he shyly replied. Jamal has been undergoing a ‘miraculous hair treatment’ for a few weeks that will cure his baldness and solve any erectile dysfunction while increasing penis size by 8 inches, meaning both Jamal and Natalya are expected to look radiant on the day of their wedding.
Although no one wanted to help them at the time, the couple feels so ‘blessed by love’ that they have extended an invite to the wedding ceremony to everyone. All that’s needed now is for you to transfer funds for the wedding gift which must be made to the account of the Emirates Islamic Bank PJSC “end of week at the latest” through Paypal, providing your personal data to the address [email protected].