Public Haven’t Been This Angry Since Last Creche Exposé In 2013


THE Irish public was appalled by the upsetting scenes in last night’s RTÉ Investigates report on a private creche company and have not been this angry since RTÉ revealed more or less the same neglect and abuses in other creches in a 2013 report.

Responding to the fresh outcry about how nothing every changes the Minister For Neglecting Children repeated verbatim empty promises delivered in 2013 that were still pinned to her computer on a post-it note.

“We have listened to parents say better creche inspections, actual enforcement of punishments, that all creches should be state-run and not be a rip off, whistle blowers should be encouraged and supported, and to all that we say not a chance with this current government, sorry,” confirmed the Dept. For Neglecting Children.

Tusla, the alleged state child and family agency, has said it will immediately launch a wide ranging investigation into why Tusla is so crap at its job and promises to delay the publication of the report until everyone has forgotten about it.

“You know I’ve been hard on RTÉ in the past,” shared one concerned parent, “but I had no idea it was expected to be a TV station and also do Tusla’s fucking job for them. Fair play”.

The Dept. of Neglecting Children has told the public it has cleared a space in its diary to be ‘shocked and appalled’ again in 6 year’s time when another RTÉ investigation exposes the industry but in the meantime parents have been urged to try to relax and not worry, and just wrap their children up in bubble wrap before dropping them off to creche every morning.
