Disappointment As Taylor Fails To Get Arrested After Winning 3rd World Title


KATIE TAYLOR has been criticised for undoing all the hard work invested into securing an unprecedented third world title belt on Friday night in Philadelphia after it has emerged the Bray native has failed to get arrested.

An act which is the clearest indication yet that the Olympic gold medalist simply has no interest in being celebrated and feted on the international and home stage, Taylor remained humble in the aftermath of her victory and refused to rule in the idea of causing criminal damage and spending the night in the cells.

“Does she want to be remembered at all as an absolute legend?” queried one man wearing a singlet who seemed very agitated at the news, “how can anyone take her seriously now? She’s letting down her fans, and more importantly, people who would be her fans if she just went out and fucked shit up”.

The now IBF, WBA and WBO World lightweight champion stopped Rose Volante by TKO but veteran fight game experts have suggested her insistence of keeping herself to herself will tarnish her reputation forever.

“How many pro fights is it now? And there’s not even a hint she’s planning on calling an opponent a Nazi or a faggot. I can see no option other than retirement for her, there’s no place in the sport for a humble person like this who let’s their talent do the talking. It’s pitiful to watch,” shared one critic.

Elsewhere parents of young children have vowed to never again let their children watch Taylor in action since the 32-year-old shows no signs of turning into ‘a giant arsehole anytime soon’.
