‘Polish Andy’ Upgraded To Just ‘Andy’ By Coworkers After 8 Years


MOVING scenes today in a Waterford warehouse where workers officially announced their intention to henceforth refer to Polish Andy as just ‘Andy’, honouring his 8 years of tireless work at Mackin Supplies LTD.

Andrzej Glik (34), had politely endured the constant references to ‘Polish Andy’ despite the fact no other Andrew or Andrzej has ever been on the books at Makin Supplies LTD.

“It’s just banter, Polish Andy, eh, I mean Andy is a dote and he loves it. Let’s him know he’s one of the gang,” downplayed manager Maggie Hanley.

Hanley refused to comment on rumours that the company would be in line for some sort of award for its trailblazing ways, but speculated out loud about whether or not the Nobel Prize Committee had a best manager award.

Speaking at the unveiling of his new name, Andrzej was visibly moved by the very forward thinking and accepting gesture his colleagues took 8 years to arrive at.

“It’s actually pronounced like ‘Ann-Jay’,” explained formerly Polish Andy, much to the confusion of his colleagues.

“Some people always have to be difficult,” muttered manager Hanley to herself before instructing Polish Agata, who was from Lithuania, not to bother bringing out the cake celebrating Andy’s 8 years at the firm.
