Breaking: Sean Wears Waistcoats Now


FRIENDS of Waterford man Sean Carolan are preparing an intervention after the 37-year-old was spotted doing his shopping, on a weekday, during the day, wearing a waistcoat over a white t-shirt, a dramatic fashion escalation that those closest to him are calling ‘the last fucking straw’.

Carolan hit headlines last year after suddenly becoming a ‘hat prick’, with friends turning a blind eye to his fedoras, his beanies and even his berets, but even his oldest friends have balked at hanging out with not just a hat wanker, but a waistcoat dickhead too.

Feeling that perhaps their tolerance of Sean when he was going through his hat phase may have emboldened him to branch off into ‘harder fashion fuck-ups’, Carolan’s life-long friend Mark Marron spoke to WWN about the plan for separating the Tramore native from his nylon prison.

“We’re just going to jump him and rip the fucking thing off,” said Marron, visibly shaking with emotion.

“The beard, the hair, the waistcoat… yeah, we get it, it’s a lifestyle that he’s become part of, but we miss the old Sean and we just want him back. And before you ask, no, we can’t just let him keep wearing it. We’re guilty by association. It was bad enough being known as ‘the lads who are friends with the fella who wears hats’, we’re not taking the waistcoat bullet too”.

UPDATE: Carolan has agreed to a stay in a waistcoat rehabilitation centre, where he is sharing a room with a middle-aged man who wears socks and sandals.
