Donate Anonymous Positive Online Comments About The Taoiseach Below
WITH A NEW book on the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar claiming that during the Fine Gael leadership contest the Taoiseach proposed creating anonymous social media accounts with the purposes of leaving positive comments on stories concerning him, WWN is now actively seeking to help the Taoiseach achieve his dream of being on the receiving end of anonymous comments on the internet.
WWN, with only a modestly sized staff of 453 journalists to call on, simply doesn’t have the resources to fully unpack the news that then candidate for the leadership of Ireland’s ruling party was advocating creating anonymous internet accounts and fabricating comments to shape public opinion on him and news stories.
Nor does WWN have the resources to interrogate why this isn’t the biggest news story of the year in Ireland or why this isn’t grounds for resignation.
Therefore, we are calling on our readers to instead help to contribute anonymous positive comments, or positively anonymous comments, in order to make the dreams of the holder of Ireland’s most important political office come true.
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for comments, it could be helpful to recall that the Taoiseach was responsible for a completely baseless media campaign which drew on fabricated figures regarding welfare fraud while he was Minister for Social Protection and that his Communications Unit disguised advertorials in regional newspapers in a bid to make them look like real news.
And if your creative juices still aren’t flowing there’s always the Cervical Check scandal or the housing crisis.
The Taoiseach has not denied these claims, instead his spokesperson said “the alleged course of action wasn’t taken and was never seriously considered” when talking to the Irish Independent.
Elsewhere the public genuinely asked “wait, surely shit like that is actually illegal for an office holder to do or suggest? As in ‘jail time’ illegal…Christ, this fucking country.”
So, WWN asks you our dear readers to help this special little guy’s dream of planting anonymous social media comments under stories about him become a treasured reality.