Children Banned From World Meeting Of Families For Their Own Safety


IN LIGHT of the news that the Catholic Church attempted to cover up abuse carried out by over 300 priests in Pennsylvania, America, a banning order against children attending Ireland’s papal visit and World Meeting of Families has been issued ‘for their own safety’.

“Yeah, probably for the best,” confirmed one Catholic who didn’t have her head in the sand, “you just said ‘cover up abuse carried out’ and I’m now conditioned to know you don’t mean punching or kicking, you mean the raping of children.That’s a given. What a cold, soulless place the top of the church is to continually cover these things up”.

The World Meeting of Families is an event meant to bring families together in worship but doing such things was too risky in the presence of a Church hierarchy who constantly act like the mafia when informed of abuse against children, so the children portion of families have been outright banned with their own safety very much in mind.

The banning of children from the event also comes after an Australian Archbishop who covered up the rape of children has not been excommunicated from the church by Vatican authorities.

“Look, you just can’t any chances,” confirmed one staunch Irish Catholic who has enduring faith but admitted he wouldn’t be bringing his children anywhere near the World Meeting of Families.

Cardinal Sean O’Malley was set to chair a talk on Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults in Dublin during the Pope’s visit but he will no longer attend after he is set to return to the US to carry out an inquiry into abuse in his own diocese.

How successful this inquiry will be remains unknown as O’Malley stands accused of ignoring warnings about a paedophile priest in a previous diocese in which he also served.

“Guys, this is only taking into account news from just this week alone nevermind all the other abuse,” confirmed one volunteer who was erecting ‘your children are not safe here’ signs next to the Papal stage in Phoenix Park.

“Like, fucking hell,” the volunteer concluded.
