Number Of Wild Trolleys In Natural Habitat Reaches All Time Low


A NEW study has revealed that the number of wild trolleys living in their natural habitat has reached an time low in the last 12 months, WWN can reveal.

International wildlife researchers conducted the study throughout 2017 and in publishing their results can confirm a historic low of just 170 shopping trolleys now live urban rivers and streams.

“You can draw your own conclusions on what this says about how Ireland as a country treats its trolleys, but it’s clear a repopulation programme is needed,” shared lead researcher involved in the study, Angela Telemans.

Once a common sight that many people treated as an irritant, shopping trolleys have been driven out of their natural habitat by a number of local authorities seeking to appease residents who treat their presence as a nuisance and inconvenience, meaning one of nature’s most beguiling sights; majestic trolleys launching themselves off bridges into rivers, could be consigned to the history books.

“We appreciate that they might not be the most beloved of wildlife, but we can’t ignore the fact we are driving them out of their natural habitat and if this continues at the rate it’s going wild trolleys will be extinct in no time,” added Telemans.

The numbers make for stark reading when compared with the neighbouring UK where wild trolley numbers have continued to flourish.

Telemans and her team warned that soon it could be the case that the cruel practice of seeing trolleys chained up in shopping centre car parks would be the only way to see and experience trolleys.
