Suicidal Dublin Man Buys Bicycle


THE family and friends of a Dublin man have expressed concerns over his state of mind and mental wellbeing, after he announced that he will be commuting to work through the city by bicycle from now on.

Patrick Donaghan, who lives in Inchicore but commutes every day to the IFSC, showed off his new bike to his friends at the weekend, immediately sparking fears that he was about to do something regrettable such as attempt to cycle up the quays twice a day in rush-hour traffic.

With cycling in Dublin becoming hazardous to the point of being completely lethal, an intervention is being staged for Donaghan by his friends to remind him that there are people who care about him very much, and even if life sometimes seems tough, there’s always options open to him that doesn’t involve trying to hold his own on a bicycle against the cruel, uncaring Dublin traffic.

“Like a lot of tragic cases in our country, Patrick seems happy and healthy, but obviously there’s a hidden darkness in there,” sobbed a close friend of the cyclist.

“And we can’t just sit by and say ‘yeah, he’s fine’… he obviously isn’t. We want to just get him to open up to us, to talk to us, to let him know that maybe one of us is driving past the IFSC in the mornings and if he meets us at Heuston, we’ll drop him up the road. We just don’t want to sit back and do nothing, and then hear that something dreadful has happened”.

If you have a friend who may be in danger of cycling in Dublin city centre or indeed anywhere else in the country where drivers don’t account for cyclists, WWN urges you to have a word with them before it’s too late.
