Man Hates John Lewis Ad For 7th Year In A Row


A LOCAL man with an undiagnosed case of hating things most people seem to like has gone on record for a 7th year in a row to voice his displeasure at the latest John Lewis Christmas ad, WWN can confirm.

The British retailer’s annual festive ad has turned into a highly anticipated event, and the ocassion is marked by Dublin resident Matthew Hanrahan each year with a particularly angry and petty Facebook status.

Hanrahan, 32, known amongst friends as someone who has a troubled relationship with the concept of joy, took to Facebook 2 minutes and 45 second after the John Lewis video went live to begin writing a 300-word status which ripped every aspect of the heartwarming advert apart.

Hitting upon all his greatest hits, Hanrahan decried ‘consumerism’, ‘ham fisted emotional blackmail’ and ‘it’s an English ad why do Irish people care’ in a blistering return to form after an underwhelming rant last year following the release of the ‘fox on the trampoline’ video.

“The fucking shite people seem to love,” Hanrahan wrote, in what many people are saying is a reference to the ad and just human existence in general, “can’t believe people are losing their shit over this. A monster under a bed, oh wow, that’s never been done before”.

While the status only received 9 likes, Hanrahan has not ruled out giving out endlessly about whatever advert John Lewis will produce next year.

Hanrahan did receive some minor praise, however, when observing that The Beatles song featured in the ad ‘Golden Slumbers’ cannot be fully appreciated in isolation and must be listened to as part of its complete Abbey Road medley which makes up the second half of the classic 1969 album.
