Uh Oh, Look Out, Local Woman Out For Cocktails With ‘The Girls’!


“STOP! We’re mental like, I’d nearly ring ahead and warn the place,” gushed Waterford woman Susan Shields as she prepared for her bi-annual evening out for cocktails with her group of friends, otherwise known as ‘the girls’.

Such is the wild abandon with which Susan and her friends Ciara B, Ciara C, Shona and Helen consume alcohol, the Tramore woman has encouraged people to ‘steer well clear’ of the mayhem they are sure to cause before all going home around ‘10.30-11pm-ish’.

“Aw, stop do you remember last year, Tony was sure I was going to die of a hangover the next day. And Shona made us do shots, honestly, Waterford isn’t ready for what’s about to hit them,” confirmed Susan, who has been ‘absolutely dreading’ the alcohol-fuelled madness which will see her drink 3 cosmos over a 6 hour period.

Despite clearly warning anyone who would listen to her over the course of the last couple of weeks at work, it is believed several co-workers are blithely ignoring Susan’s warning and will also head out in the Waterford City area on the same evening.

“Ha, well, don’t say you weren’t warned. We’re just mad, mad, mad when we get together. I’m surprised we’re not barred from anywhere,” Susan shared excitedly, as her body began suffering something akin to an overdose of adrenaline.

“If you see me, be warned, I’m likely to say something outrageous like ‘howiya’ or something mad,” Susan confirmed, before insisting if you think she’s mad wait until you meet Ciara B.
