Respectable Irish Businessman And Humanitarian Targeted By Donald Trump


THE campaign team behind presidential nominee Donald Trump has today dragged the good name of Irish businessman Denis O’Brien into disrepute, in a damning email released late last night.

The focus of the lengthy outburst, which bizarrely draws attention to Mr. O’Brien’s kind hearted €22 million donation to the Clinton Foundation, attempts to blacken the Irish humanitarian’s good work in the post-earthquake Haiti, alleging that the donation was given with a subsequent bidding for the country’s mobile phone licence in mind.

“Yes, Mr. O’Brien ended up acquiring 100% of Haiti’s mobile phone market and made enormous profit from the proceeds,” defended a Clinton spokesman this afternoon, “but not before Denis invested heavily to help build several schools and a town square thing, and out of his own pocket too, may I add. He must have pumped like 200, nearly 220 thousand dollars into the construction of those schools, and another 300 million dollars on a PR campaign letting everyone know he did it. This was right at a time Haiti was at its most vulnerable too. Only a very generous and kindhearted individual would do something like that. We are bemused at what Trump’s campaign team are trying to suggest here”.

Furthermore, the email also goes into detail about Mr. O’Brien’s previous mobile phone dealings in Ireland, suggesting there was some kind of recurring pattern in the way he does business with politicians that have the right kind of power.

“Yes, Mr. O’Brien ended up acquiring the majority of Ireland’s mobile phone market and made millions of pounds from the proceeds,” re-defended the Clinton spokesman, “but not before Denis invested thousands of pounds into Michael Lowry according to the Moriarty Tribunal, and again, out of his own pocket too, may I add. He must have pumped like 100, nearly 150 thousand pounds into the construction of Mr. Lowry’s bank account, and another 600 thousand pounds on legal fees. This was right at a time Mr. Lowry was at his most vulnerable too. Only a very generous and kindhearted individual would do something like that. Again, we are bemused at what Trump’s campaign team are trying to suggest here”.

Trump’s email is set to cause some discomfort as it directly cites a number of reputable news agencies including The Guardian, The Irish Times, The Wall Street Journal and Waterford Whispers News.

Yet more discomfort will be experienced by rational individuals who might have to concede, that Trump, a knuckle dragging moron of epic proportions, might be right about something for once.
