Earth Put On Life Support Machine


LEADING physicians have placed Earth on life support as it continues to suffer with an incurable bout of human beings, WWN has learned.

The cancerous presence was found on Earth thousands of years ago and has since metastesised affecting every corner of the Earth, spreading to every vital location.

“We wish there was more we could do, but when it gets this bad the globe just shuts down. You’ve read the prognosis in the news already I’m sure,” shared a grim looking doctor watching over the planet.

“Running a temperature in February, will barely have the water to hydrate itself by 2025, it’s not looking good,” added the doctor.

It is unclear how long Earth has left, but the act of placing it on life support should indicate to all just how severe the situation is.

“All we can do is make the Earth as comfortable as possible in its final days”.

It is believed Mars and other planets are worried about a possible contagion of the infectious human race.
