12 Senior Infants Being Treated For Shock After Older Kid Ruins Santa For Them


EMERGENCY services were called to a county Waterford Primary school today after 12 children broke down in hysterics after an older kid ruined the Santa myth for them.

Three ambulances were called to St. Kevin’s CBS in Dungarvan to treat Ms. Maher’s entire senior infant class.

“I stepped out to go to the toilet and when I got back the whole class were in tears, with many hegging for breath they were so upset,” recalled the 25-year-old teacher. “One of them said that Aidan Clansy from third class broke the horrific news by sticking his head in the classroom and shouting ‘Santa is not real. Your parents lied to you!'”

Headmaster Tadgh Butler was immediately called in a bid to ease tensions.

“It was mayhem. Many of the children were on the ground screaming Santa’s name. One child got sick,” he said. “There was no consoling them so we had to call for help.”

Paramedics arrived on the scene some twenty minutes later.

“I’ve seen some tough things in my time, but this – this was carnage,” said ambulance driver Conor Walsh. “I never want to see anything like that again.”

All twelve children are currently being treated for shock in Waterford Regional hospital this afternoon.

Third class pupil Aidan Clansy has since been suspended from school and a file is being prepared by the DPP.

