Stupid Fucking Idiots Easily Offended



THE MOST moronic among us are susceptible to taking offence to almost anything, it has emerged.

A study conducted by the Institute of Studies has concluded that even the slightest mention of some opinion or thought contrary to one that a brainless idiot holds results in that fucking idiot taking offence.

“It’s really quite simple,” explains head researcher Professor Neil Down, “take you for example you wonky-eyed, big-eared cum receptacle – you may take offence to the statement I just made about you and that would be because you are a fucking brainless sap.”

Professor Down’s research revealed that 90% of the people involved in the study were quite easily offended with the majority objecting to several questions posed including ‘how fucked up is your face on a scale of 1 to I’m the reincarnation of the elephant man’.

Taking offence has long since been proved as a logical fallacy and Professor Down’s research has seen the most minor of challenges to a world view or general set of beliefs lead to participants in the study walk out.

“Look those guys were just gaybos who love nothing more than a cock up the nostril” claims Professor Down, “A number of questions posed were done so to see if they elicited a reaction in an individual and it turns out almost any dopey cunt will get offended by relatively benign questioning,” concluded Professor Down but not before he alluded to the possibility that this reporter’s mother sells her body on any old street corner for a euro and a McDonald’s happy meal.

More to follow as we get it…
