BT Young Scientist Praised For Project Solving The Issue Of Why Bitches Always Be Trippin’


A 14-year-old pupil competing in this year’s BT Young Scientist competition has emerged as an early favourite for the overall crown after extensive research in a field that interests him greatly.

Niall Toner, a Cork native, has like so many pupils used experiences in his own life to inform what project he would attempt for this his second year at the competition held in the RDS.

The issue of some young women’s difficulty with remaining upright when carrying out romantic dealings with Toner has borne fruitful scientific exploration for the young scientist.

“Ah, stop, I had two young ones on the go at once, and when they found out they were trippin’ left, right and centre and so I sort of wanted to get to the bottom of it using me science,” Toner confirmed.

“Niall has shown great interest in this project, and he has had multiple bitches trippin’ on separate occasions and was none the wiser as to the causality of it all,” Toner’s proud teacher Eva Nelligan told WWN.

Toner discovered that depending on the severity of his actions, and behaviours towards his love interests, they would trip in varying ways.

“Several female test subjects reacted differently to myself not texting back at all, and then zero replies to snapchats elicited increased acceleration at the point of trippin’,” the child genius explained.

While Toner’s conclusions are still a bit muddied, the 14-year-old has garnered huge attention for this breakthrough research in an understudied area.
