Tornado Failed To Do Damage Average Dublin Hen Party Causes In Leitrim


A TORNADO which ripped apart roofs, dismantled and carried sheds across the sky before impaling several cars and building with the detritus has been labeled ‘nothing compared to your average Dublin hen party’ by Carrick-on-Shannon residents.

“When I heard the crackle of lightning and then a chair flew through the front window I said to the wife ‘quiet enough weekend, not many Dublin huns up’,” shared Leitrim local Kevin Gaffney.

While residents, council workers and emergency services count the cost of the damage, experts say it is a fraction of the costly carnage perpetrated by a Dublin hen party made up entirely marketing managers all called Rachel.

“There were less injuries than when a gale force hen party rips through Leitrim anyway and only a fraction of the vomit,” added local B&B owner Sheena Foley.

Authorities seeking to find funds for repairs have been urged not to touch the Hen Party Disaster Relief Scheme funding which is ring fenced for when hen parties are refused entry to Murtagh’s and start throwing their absurdly large gin glasses at anyone within a 2-mile radius.

UPDATE: Met Éireann have been forced to deny they let the tornado loose in Leitrim in a bid to make the Irish public take weather warnings more seriously, while Leitrim Tourism Board issued a similar denial that they were seeking to get Leitrim in the papers for once.
