Outrage As UK Claims Racism Against Travellers As Their Own


THE entire population of Ireland was left reeling today following news that the UK has once again claimed an Irish trait and pasttime as its own.

UK holiday firm Pontins has agreed to change its working policies after it was revealed it was operating a blacklist against Gypsy and Traveller families, enraging Irish racists here.

“Only we’re allowed to be racist against the Travelling community,” shouted dozens of people along the Eastern shores of the country, hoping the UK could hear their bitter words, “how dare you claim our racism as your own, you shower of inbred, tribal-tattooed, bucked-teeth, big-eared bastards”.

An investigation by the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission found that the company had been using the blacklist of mainly Irish surnames as part of a policy of refusing bookings by Travellers to its holiday parks, with no indication if desirable Irish settled families were included in the ban.

“I’m torn here really; fair enough they have to do what they have to do to be openly racist, but I’m just wondering if they refused me that time over my surname,” pondered local settled man and non-Traveller John Anthony O’Reilly-McDonagh-Stokes, who admits to understanding the ban but not when it affects him personally and his family.

Meanwhile, a mixed group of Irish hoteliers and publicans have since launched a €10 million law suit against Pontins, claiming the company has plagiarised its Traveller policies, word for word.
