Man Busking For Worthy Charity Would Still Want To Give It A Fucking Rest


A LOCAL musician busking in aid of homeless charities in Waterford city centre today would still want to give it a fucking rest, despite his good intentions, WWN has learned.

Tom Williams, who probably recycles properly and even gives blood, spent the morning singing songs for buskaid in the hopes of raising awareness and money for those worse off than him.

“Not fucking Ed Sheeran again,” moaned one passerby who projectile vomited into Williams’ guitar case, “here, just take all my money and if you can just please pipe down a bit, that would be great – it’s like someones nightmare walking through town here with all the christmas music AND buskers wailing into your face”.

Buskaid, which takes place all day today, has raised thousands of euros for homeless charities from people donating to buskers in a bid to ‘shut them the hell up’.

“There’s no better way to make money than to hold people’s ears to ransom in exchange for charitable donations,” a spokesperson for the events explained, “in fact, the worse the busker the more lucrative the donations, so everyone’s happy at the end of the day”.

For this year’s event all proceeds will go to the Tintean Housing Association, so please give what you can HERE. 
