Claim That Asylum Seekers Make Up 110% Of Irish Population May Be False


CLAIMS that Ireland is so overrun by asylum seekers that they now make up as much as 110% of the population are being labelled as ‘potentially not entirely accurate’ by a growing number of academics and researchers.

The revelation casts doubt on the widely accepted fact that 5.4 million asylum seekers live in Ireland and that all indigenous people have evaporated overnight, coming as a blow to self-appointed migration expert @DaveEire32 on Twitter, who first reported ‘Guinness, speaking Irish and being white have all been banned’.

Dave, who, judging by his profile picture is a motorbike, had his tweet shared by thousands of people, including your racist uncle, but amazingly, it’s now emerging that he may not be a world renowned authority on the subject.

“The important thing isn’t whether or not it’s true, it’s that as many people as possible are exposed to an entirely inaccurate picture of a situation so that anti-immigrant sentiment grows, and the odd hotel here and there gets burned down, no biggie,” explained Dave who it turns out isn’t a motorbike after all but a deeply unhappy and lonely man.

“Ireland is actually significantly below the EU average when it comes to asylum claims, in 2018 there were 3,655 claims, an equivalent to just 0.07% of the population,” explained an actual expert on the subject, much to Dave’s annoyance.

“Of some comfort to Dave, though, would be the news that the Direct Provision system is now 20 years old and if he cared to genuinely research it, he might enjoy how inhumane it all is for asylum seekers and how the government doesn’t seem to give a shit,” concluded the expert.
