“I Had No Knowledge Notorious Paedophile Was Notorious Paedophile”


BRITAIN’S Prince Andrew has issued a statement in relation to Jeffrey Epstein, saying “I had no knowledge that the notorious paedophile was a notorious paedophile”, pointing out that his entire family are absolutely terrible at spotting sexual predators.

“Golly gosh, it seems ones family has quite the awful padeo-radar,” the 59-year-old said, referring to a series of Royal family friends, including Sir Jimmy Saville and former prime minister Sir Edward Heath.

“We also had no idea about Uncle Louis Mountbatten – it almost seems like we knew about all these people but simply turned a blind eye because we’re so used to that sort of thing going on behind closed doors”.

Prince Andrew’s comments come after footage emerged of him answering the door and leading a young girl inside the notorious paedophile’s apartment in 2010, just two years after Epstein pleaded guilty and was convicted by a Florida state court to soliciting a prostitute and of procuring an underage girl for prostitution in 2008.

“Could have sworn it was a different guy altogether and it never crossed my mind to even ask him why so many suspiciously young girls were coming in and out of his home all the time.

“Now that I think back about it it all makes sense,” Andrew added, who also admitted to a ‘foot massage’ from a young woman in Epstein’s apartment, with it unclear whether it was his foot getting massaged, or her feet massaging something else.

Epstein’s friends included US President Donald Trump, former US president Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, among others, but many who have since denied any knowledge of him sexually exploited dozens of underage teens, some as young as 14, at his homes in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Florida.

“Boy, he sure pulled the wool over all our innocent, naive eyes,” Andrew concluded.
