Bit Of Pasta Survives Full Week In Kitchen Sink


A SOGGY piece of penne pasta has finally been washed down the plughole of the McGrenner family kitchen sink after almost a full week, having succumbed to being mashed with a spoon.

The pasta had laid in the plughole for six whole days after falling out of a pot as mother Sheila McGrenner poured off the boiling water while making dinner, and remained there due to nobody wanting to touch it.

With each member of the family fully aware of the bit of pasta in the sink for the entirety of the week, there had been fears it would just lie there for the rest of time, becoming a permanent fixture in the McGrenner home.

However, its epic six-day run came to an end as dad Eric McGrenner finally admitted enough was enough, smushing the pasta into the waste trap with a spoon, while muttering under his breath that he ‘has to do everything around here’.

“Four of us in the house, and not one of the rest of them would pick up that bit of wet pasta” he said, drying his hands.

“But fair play to the little trooper, I’ve been running the tap more than I needed to and it clung in there the whole time. There’s a lump of a carrot still there, we’ll see if it breaks its 6 day record”.
