This Game Of Thrones Megafan Only Gives Birth To Dragons


GAME OF THRONES fever is back and bigger than ever, however, some megafans take all things Westeros that little further, to new and amazing heights as is the case with Florida native Casey Dunbarr.

Dunbarr (22) has come to the attention of the international media after revealing she is such a hardcore Game of Thrones fan that she, like her favourite character Daenerys Targaryen, only gives birth to dragons.

“Some people claiming to be superfans are pathetic, I really don’t think they take thing as seriously as I do,” Dunbarr, who sports blonde hair and occasionally break into Dotraki, shared with WWN.

“Okay, so, you ‘read all the books’ and boast about reading them like fives times, but have you tried giving birth to a fucking dragon like a true fan,” Dunbarr added, now clearly annoyed at the large fanbase the popular TV show has amassed over time.

Dunbarr, speaking from her modest trailer outside Orlando, revealed that she does not go through with pregnancies who they would result in her birth a mueling, weak human that is clearly not a dragon.

“I’m fucking hardcore, see” Dunbarr said while showing us her full back tattoo of what she imagines George R.R Martin’s penis looks like.

The time came for WWN to ask if Dunbarr could provide proof of her earlier claims at which point the megafan guided us into her bathroom where we were truly shocked by what we saw.

“There’s my baby, Rhaegal,” Dunbarr said as she pointed at an alligator with pink novelty fairy wings attached to it while we ran for our lives.
