Rónán Mullen To Vote ‘No’ To Irish Presidency


IRISH Senator Rónán Mullen has shocked absolutely no one today after he confirmed he is to vote ‘no’ to the upcoming Irish presidency tomorrow, WWN can confirm.

The no campaigner for just about everything announced his decision on numerous radio and TV stations that he will simply vote no to all the candidates, just for the sake of voting no one more time this year.

Mullen, who resembles a crack den Brian Cowen, will take to the ballot early tomorrow morning in the hopes some press photographer will snap him dropping his voting card into the box.

“Excuse me now, I didn’t interrupt you,” Mullen began a radio interview this morning, despite no one interrupting him, “this presidency is a total farce and there is no way I’m going to stand by and be told that I have to vote for someone to become president just because everyone else is doing it… no, no, let me finish, I didn’t come on your show this morning to be shouted down like this and it’s my right to be able to say what I think”.

The 48-year-old went on to deny that he is scared of positive words like ‘yes’, and called the Irish electorate “sheep” for voting in tomorrow’s election.

“Again, the PC brigade are having their way, telling me what I can and cannot vote no on; it’s my God given right to vote no, no matter what the case,” he reiterated, “abortion, marriage equality, blasphemy, Irish presidency, united Ireland, milk in tea, terms and conditions, ATM receipts, cashback, whatever it is, I will vote no”.
