An Bord Pleanála’s Guide To Rejecting Planning Permission


AN BORD PLEANÁLA’S decision to reject planning permission for Dublin City Council’s plans to pedestrianise College Green in Dublin has left many people scratching their heads, failing to grasp the rationale used by the State’s planning overlords.

In an attempt to help the public better understand a succession of perplexing planning application rejections meted out by An Bord Pleanála, WWN emailed a number of questions to the body in the hopes of securing a grasp on easily understandable criteria.

WWN: For many, country’s small skyline is a treasured aspect of Ireland, does it go against a planning submission if it is over 5 stories in height?

An Bord Pleanála: Rejected.

WWN: No we’re not making a formal submission we’re just asking a few questions, would it be better if a building or plan was below 5 stories in height then?

An Bord Pleanála: Rejected.

WWN: Right okay, what if a submission had the backing of a variety of experts, all from different fields, which aren’t usually in such universal agreement? Their expertise invaluable to a public project which seeks to improve a city, town, village or street for those that live and work there?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: Of course some submission just aren’t fit for purpose, but is there anything you want the public to know about your process?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: Christ. Is it a case where you just blindly reject things?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: What happens when a submission purports to provide a path to the reduction of pollution and traffic, providing a public space for citizens to congregate?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: The recent planning permission for a 25 story apartment building in Cork must have seriously hacked you off because it had SDZ status which means you can’t reject or appeal it?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: We’re starting to get the feeling you’re just some automated bot that dolls out the same answer no matter the request, query or question.

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: You are, aren’t you?

ABP: Rejected.

WWN: Dickheads say ‘rejected’.

ABP: Piss off.
