“This Is Not An Election Budget” Confirms Taoiseach Day Before Election Budget


TAOISEACH LEO Varadkar has rubbished claims that tomorrow Budget 2019 is an election budget, WWN can confirm.

Speaking while handing out ‘Vote Fine Gael’ leaflets at a Dart station in Dublin, the Taoiseach confirmed the budget was merely a sensible and prudent budget that was definitely not full of carrots being dangled before the electorate.

“Remember, we can’t enact this budget which will have tax breaks and welfare increases if we’re not elected in the next election,” the Taoiseach told reporters later that day at a photoshoot for election posters.

The details of tomorrow’s budget, which have been leaked to the media via a large megaphone mounted to the office door of the Minister for Finance, seem to hint at the fact Fine Gael are planning to launch an election. Something the Taoiseach strenuously denied.

“This is not an election budget,” the Taoiseach confirmed, before admitting launching a budget solely focused on spearheading an election had him feeling like a kid on Christmas eve.

The budget, secretly dubbed Totes Electo-Budge by Fine Gael insiders, will be launched in the Dáil tomorrow afternoon followed directly by Fine Gael TDs sprinting at speed out of Leinster House in search of voters they can campaign to.
