“That Weather Will Kill Off All The Old Flu Bugs” Insists Local Mother


A COUNTY Waterford mother has insisted that Ireland’s latest cold snap will kill off all of the latest bouts of influenza, despite having no medical training or background, WWN can confirm.

Peggy Roche, who made the statement to her sons and daughters yesterday afternoon, believed the wind chill factor mixed with the snow is nature’s way of ridding one of the worst bouts of flu no matter their form.

“I knew the minute I heard about this flu that nature would take care of it herself,” Mrs. Roche explained, who has worked as an assistant shopkeeper for 30 years.

Despite no medical evidence to suggest that snow somehow kills influenza, and the fact low temperatures actually increase its rate of survival in the air, Peggy persisted with her theory.

“No better time for it now,” she went on, “twas an awful dose all the same. Mary Holden down the street was in the hospital for 8 weeks with it sure; the priest and everything was called. Luckily she pulled through in the end, must have been the cold weather”.

“Watch now, wait ’till you see, everyone will be as right as rain after this passes,” she concluded.
